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Name Term description
NameBute pursuivant Term description

A member of the Lyon court

NameButler Term description

Senior male indoor servant

NameButterman Term description

One who sells butter to the public

NameButton-gilder Term description

One who applies a thin layer of gold to metal buttons

NameButton-maker Term description

One who makes buttons from wood, bone or metal

NameBROS Term description


NameBairn's pairt of gear Term description

Children's legal share of their father's moveable property on his death; also called the legitim.

NameBase-born Term description

Illegitimate, born outside of wedlock

NameBehoof Term description

On behalf of

NameBooks of Council and Session Term description

Another title for the Register of Deeds and Probative Writs in which, according to the directions they contain, deeds were registered for preservation and execution, or for preservation only.

NameBoll Term description

The basic unit of dry capacity, which varied from place to place and depending on what was being measured. When applied to grain, it was equal to 4 firlots or around 3 imperial bushels. For more information, see our guide on <a href="/guides/weights-and-measures">weights and measures</a>.

NameBere/bear/beir Term description


NameBad blood Term description


NameBerylliosis Term description

A&nbsp;pulmonary disease cused by inhaling particles of beryllium, which was used in the manufacture of&nbsp;watch springs and lamps.

NameBilious fever Term description

Fever that was accompanied by vomiting or diarrhoea (e.g.&nbsp;typhoid, malaria or hepatitis).

NameBilious Term description

A term denoting an excess of bile and associated with disorders in the&nbsp;liver or gallbladder.

NameBlack plague Term description

Bubonic plague; the Black Death.

NameBlack fever Term description

An acute infection accompanied by a high temperature, dark red skin lesions and a&nbsp;high mortality rate (could refer to cerebrospinal meningitis).

NameBlack vomit Term description

The vomiting of black blood as a result of stomach ulcers (also a symptom of yellow fever).

NameBlackwater fever Term description

A severe complication of malaria characterised by the passing of dark urine as a result of kidney damage.

NameBladder in throat Term description


NameBloody sweat Term description

Sweating sickness, typically accompanied by a discharge of blood.

NameBone shave Term description

Sciatica; neuralgia femoropoplites.

NameBrain fever Term description

Cerebral meningitis or any other form of cerebral fever.

NameBreakbone Term description

Dengue; an infectious disease&nbsp;endemic in&nbsp;tropical and subtropical regions,&nbsp;transmitted by mosquitoes and characterised by a&nbsp;rash, an aching head and joint pain.