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Name Term description
NameOeconimus Term description

Steward or manager

NameOeconimus of St Salvator's College Term description

Steward or manager

NameOfficer Term description

One employed in an official capacity, often in the Customs or in local administration

NameOfficer in the Salt Term description

One employed in an official capacity, often in the Customs or in local administration

NameOil leather-dresser Term description

One who prepares leather for use

NameOptician Term description

One who tends eyes and makes and sells spectacles, etc.

NameOrganist Term description

One who plays the organ

NameOrmond pursevand/ormond-pursuivant Term description

A member of the Lyon court

NameOrraman Term description

A farm odd-job man

NameOslair/ostler Term description


NameOursman Term description

Overseer. One in charge of a factory or worksite

NameOutworker Term description

A person engaged in outdoor work, field work or work away from the shop or factory

NameOverman/oversman Term description

One in charge of a factory or worksite

NameOverseer Term description

Person in charge of a factory or worksite

NameOye Term description

Oe, grandchild, niece or nephew, descendant

NameO Term description

Occupier who is not a tenant

NameORS Term description


NameOf Term description

Indicates a landowner, e.g. John Baxter of Idvies. [See also 'at' and 'in'.]

NameOmissa Term description

Items which had been originally omitted from the deceased's estate.

NameOutsight plenishing Term description

Moveable property kept or lying out of doors; it would include livestock and implements like ploughs, but not corn or hay, which were not reckoned as 'plenishings'.

NameOxgang Term description

A measure of land which, like Scottish measures in general, varied from place to place. It was typically about 13 acres.

NameOunce Term description

A unit of weight. In Scots Troy weight, an ounce was equivalent to 16 drops (or draps). For more information, see our guide to <a href="/guides/weights-and-measures">weights and measures</a>.

NameOvergrowth Term description

Engorgement of the heart.

NameOverlaid Term description

Referring to an infant accidentally smothered while in bed with an adult.