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Name Term description
NameGabartman/gabert-man/gabertman/gabert man Term description

Boatman (on a lighter), bargee

NameGairdner/gairner Term description

One employed to tend a garden

NameGamekeeper Term description

A person in charge of wild game on an estate

NameGanger Term description

The foreman of a gang of labourers

NameGaoler Term description

One who keeps a jail or is responsible for the security of a jail

NameGardener/gardner/gardiner Term description

One employed to tend a garden

NameGauger Term description

A person who works in excise

NameGause or velvet weaver Term description

One who uses a loom to make fine cloth or velvet

NameGen. Lab. Term description

General labourer

NameGeneral Term description

Senior commissioned army rank

NameGeneral examiner of the Customs Term description

Auditor or inspector of business

NameGeneral inspector of tobaccos Term description

One appointed to see that an official function is being carried out properly, for instance the collection of revenue

NameGeneral supervisor Term description

Overseer of, usually, an office

NameGeneral supervisor of Excise Term description

Overseer, often of customs or office work

NameGenitour Term description

Doorkeeper, caretaker

NameGentleman Term description

1. Civil rank, above commoners and below nobility. 2. A well-to-do man of no occupation

NameGentleman factor Term description

1. Civil rank, above commoners and below nobility. 2. Estate or farm manager.

NameGentleman of the Horse Guards Term description

Civil rank, above commoners and below nobility

NameGentleman's servant Term description

Civil rank, above commoners and below nobility

NameGeographer Term description

One who analyses and illustrates the shape of land

NameGeographer for Scotland Term description

One who analyses and illustrates the shape of land

NameGhillie Term description

Historically a highland chief's attendant, the person who looks after wild game on a highland estate

NameGilder Term description

One who applies a layer of gold to objects

NameGingerbread baker Term description

One who makes gingerbread, cakes, bread, pastries and other confectionary

NameGirder Term description

Hoop maker or belt maker, a cooper