Name | Term description |
NameGabartman/gabert-man/gabertman/gabert man |
Term description Boatman (on a lighter), bargee |
NameGairdner/gairner |
Term description One employed to tend a garden |
NameGamekeeper |
Term description A person in charge of wild game on an estate |
NameGanger |
Term description The foreman of a gang of labourers |
NameGaoler |
Term description One who keeps a jail or is responsible for the security of a jail |
NameGardener/gardner/gardiner |
Term description One employed to tend a garden |
NameGauger |
Term description A person who works in excise |
NameGause or velvet weaver |
Term description One who uses a loom to make fine cloth or velvet |
NameGen. Lab. |
Term description General labourer |
NameGeneral |
Term description Senior commissioned army rank |
NameGeneral examiner of the Customs |
Term description Auditor or inspector of business |
NameGeneral inspector of tobaccos |
Term description One appointed to see that an official function is being carried out properly, for instance the collection of revenue |
NameGeneral supervisor |
Term description Overseer of, usually, an office |
NameGeneral supervisor of Excise |
Term description Overseer, often of customs or office work |
NameGenitour |
Term description Doorkeeper, caretaker |
NameGentleman |
Term description 1. Civil rank, above commoners and below nobility. 2. A well-to-do man of no occupation |
NameGentleman factor |
Term description 1. Civil rank, above commoners and below nobility. 2. Estate or farm manager. |
NameGentleman of the Horse Guards |
Term description Civil rank, above commoners and below nobility |
NameGentleman's servant |
Term description Civil rank, above commoners and below nobility |
NameGeographer |
Term description One who analyses and illustrates the shape of land |
NameGeographer for Scotland |
Term description One who analyses and illustrates the shape of land |
NameGhillie |
Term description Historically a highland chief's attendant, the person who looks after wild game on a highland estate |
NameGilder |
Term description One who applies a layer of gold to objects |
NameGingerbread baker |
Term description One who makes gingerbread, cakes, bread, pastries and other confectionary |
NameGirder |
Term description Hoop maker or belt maker, a cooper |
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