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Name Term description
NameWadsetter Term description

1. Creditor or holder of a wadset (mortgage of property). 2. A person enjoying the use and tenure of part of a landowner's estate under a mortgage arrangement

NameWadwife Term description

A female wad maker - wad can mean stuffing for clothes

NameWaggoner Term description

One who drives heavy goods vehicles

NameWagon-maker Term description

One who constructs heavy goods vehicles

NameWaiter Term description


NameWaker Term description

Fuller of cloth

NameWalker/waulker Term description

Person who cleanses and thickens cloth

NameWalxmaker Term description

One who prepares wax for use in candles, etc.

NameWarden Term description

One in charge of hospital or charity home

NameWatch and clock maker Term description

One who makes and repairs watches and clocks

NameWatchmaker Term description

One who makes and repairs watches and clocks

NameWatchman Term description

Guard at specific premises, usually at night

NameWatchman in port Term description

Guard at specific premises, usually at night

NameWaterman Term description

One who works by water and usually with boats

NameWaulker Term description

A fuller of cloth

NameWax chandler Term description

Wax candle maker

NameWax maker Term description

One who prepares wax for use in candles, etc.

NameWean Term description

Child, little one

NameWeaver Term description

One who uses a loom to make cloth from yarn

NameWebster Term description

Weaver. One who uses a loom to make cloth from yarn

NameWeifar/weiffar Term description

<p>One who uses a loom to make cloth from yarn

NameWeigher Term description

One who weighs goods for market

NameWeigh-house-man Term description

One who operates a weigh house for weighing goods for market

NameWeivar Term description

One who uses a loom to make cloth from yarn

NameWellar Term description

Well borer or builder