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Name Term description
NameEarl Term description

Title of nobleman, above viscount and below marquis

NameEldar Term description

Older of two

NameEldder Term description

Older of two

NameElde Term description

Older of two

NameElder Term description

Older of two

NameElderman Term description

Burgh magistrate or councillor, alderman

NameEldest Term description

Older of two

NameElemosinar/elimozinar Term description

Almoner: one in charge of distrubuting charitable funds on behalf of the church.

NameElser Term description

Older of two

NameEmbroiderer Term description

One who stitches patterns on to cloth or leather

NameEngineer Term description

One who designs bridges and roads, or one who builds engines

NameEngine-keeper Term description

One who looks after an engine

NameEnglishman Term description

Man from England

NameEngraver Term description

One who cuts patterns on to metal or glass

NameEnsign Term description

Lowest commissioned officer of foot

NameEnumerator Term description

A person employed to issue census forms and to collect and copy the information into books

NameEpiscopal minister Term description

Priest in the Episcopal Church of Scotland

NameEquerry Term description

Attendent on a nobleman or monarch

NameEsquire Term description

Title of gentleman

NameEssay-master Term description

Assay master in Royal Mint

NameExaminer Term description

Auditor or inspector of business

NameExaminer in Exchequer Term description

Auditor or inspector of business

NameExcise man Term description

A collector of excise tax or duty

NameExcise officer Term description

1. One who collects revenue on goods and ensures revenue is paid. 2. One employed in an official capacity, often in the Customs or in local administration

NameExecutor Term description

One who arranges the disposal of an estate after a death