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Name | Term description |
NameVassal |
Term description A tenant holding land under a superior in return for payment of feu-duty, an annual payment in cash or kind |
NameVialer |
Term description Fiddler, viol player |
NameVicar |
Term description Parish clergyman in pre-Reformation church |
NameViccar |
Term description Parish clergyman in pre-Reformation church |
NameVictual dealer |
Term description Grocer |
NameVictualler |
Term description Purveyor of provisions, grocer |
NameVinther |
Term description Wine merchant, spirit dealer |
NameVintiner |
Term description Wine merchant, spirit dealer |
NameVintner |
Term description Wine merchant, spirit dealer |
NameVioler |
Term description Fiddler, viol player |
NameViscount |
Term description Title of lower nobility, below Earl and above knight and baronet |
NameViscountess |
Term description Wife of viscount, below Countess |
NameVisitor |
Term description Inspector of a university |
NameVassal |
Term description A person to whom land is conveyed to be held by him from the landowner (the superior) for the payment of a yearly rent or feu-duty or the performance of some regular service to the superior. |
NameVide |
Term description See [Latin]. |
NameViz./Vizt. |
Term description Namely [Latin]. |
NameVariola |
Term description Smallpox |