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Name Term description
NameVassal Term description

A tenant holding land under a superior in return for payment of feu-duty, an annual payment in cash or kind

NameVialer Term description

Fiddler, viol player

NameVicar Term description

Parish clergyman in pre-Reformation church

NameViccar Term description

Parish clergyman in pre-Reformation church

NameVictual dealer Term description


NameVictualler Term description

Purveyor of provisions, grocer

NameVinther Term description

Wine merchant, spirit dealer

NameVintiner Term description

Wine merchant, spirit dealer

NameVintner Term description

Wine merchant, spirit dealer

NameVioler Term description

Fiddler, viol player

NameViscount Term description

Title of lower nobility, below Earl and above knight and baronet

NameViscountess Term description

Wife of viscount, below Countess

NameVisitor Term description

Inspector of a university

NameVassal Term description

A person to whom land is conveyed to be held by him from the landowner (the superior) for the payment of a yearly rent or feu-duty or the performance of some regular service to the superior.

NameVide Term description

See [Latin].

NameViz./Vizt. Term description

Namely [Latin].

NameVariola Term description
