Unsure what a word, phrase or abbreviation means in a record you’ve found? You might find the answer by searching or browsing our glossary.
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Name Term description
NameTD&I Term description

Testament Dative and Inventory

NameTT Term description

Testament Testamentar

NameTT&I Term description

Testament Testamentar and Inventory

NameT Term description

Tenant who is not an Occupier

NameTRS/TRUST Term description


NameTack Term description


NameTeind Term description


NameTestament Term description


NameTestament-testamentar Term description

A written deed whereby an executor is appointed by the testator.

NameTestator Term description

A person who leaves a valid will at death

NameTocher Term description

A dowry

NameTidy/tydie ky Term description

A pregnant or lactating cow. For more information, see our guide to <a href="/guides/agricultural-produce-and-livestock">agricultural produce and livestock</a>.

NameTympany Term description

Abdominal swelling