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Name Term description
NamePreacher Term description

One who gives religious talks, in the open or in churches

NamePrebendary Term description

Official of pre-Reformation or Episcopal cathedral

NamePrebenter Term description

Official of pre-Reformation or Episcopal cathedral

NamePrecenter Term description

Leader of singing in church

NamePrecentor Term description

Leader of singing in church

NamePreceptor Term description

Teacher, instructor

NamePresbytery clerk Term description

1. Clerk to a presbytery (Church of Scotland court). 2. One who documents the business of an office.

NamePresenter Term description

Leader of singing in church

NamePresenter of signatures in the Court of Exchequer Term description

Leader of singing in church

NamePriest Term description

Ordained clergyman in pre-Reformation, Roman Catholic or Episcopalian church

NamePrimare Term description

Principal of college or university

NamePrimer Term description

Principal of college or university

NamePrincipal Term description

One in charge of university or college

NamePrincipal commissary Term description

Civil official of the commissary court

NamePrincipal of college Term description

One in charge of university or college

NamePrint cutter Term description

One who makes printing blocks

NamePrinter Term description

One who prints books, pictures, posters, etc.

NamePrintseller Term description

One who sells topical cartoons and other pictures

NamePrior Term description

Head of a priory, religious house for men

NamePrioress Term description

Head of a priory, religious house for women

NamePrivateer Term description

Commander of armed private vessel holding commission from government

NameProbationer Term description

A person who is licensed to preach, but is not yet ordained to a charge

NameProbationer minister Term description

Usually a Church of Scotland minister, who has obtained his Divinity degree, but is not yet ordained

NameProcurator Term description

Lawyer in the lower courts

NameProcurator-fiscal Term description

Public prosecutor