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Name Term description
NamePropriis minibus Term description

Literally, with his or her own hand [Latin].

NamePupil Term description

A child younger than 12 if female or 14 if male; one older than that (but still not 21) was a minor. Pupils might have their affairs administered by a tutor.

NamePeck Term description

A unit of dry measure, which varied from place to place and depending on what was being measured.&nbsp;When applied to&nbsp;grain, the peck was equivalent to 4 lippies or forpets. For more information, see our guide on <a href="/guides/weights-and-measures">weights and measures</a>.

NamePint Term description

A unit of liquid measure. A Scots pint was&nbsp;equivalent to 2 chopins, or around 2&nbsp;� Imperial pints). For more information, see our guide to <a href="/guides/weights-and-measures">weights and measures</a>.

NamePound Term description

A unit of weight. In Scots Troy weight, a pound was equivalent to 16 ounces. For more information, see our guide to <a href="/guides/weights-and-measures">weights and measures</a>.

NamePeas/pease Term description

A leguminous crop

NamePigges/piggis Term description

Pigs. Also referred to as hogges or hoggis. For more information, see our guide to <a href="/guides/agricultural-produce-and-livestock">agricultural produce and livestock</a>.

NamePalsy Term description


NamePassion Term description

Acute pain

NamePhlegmonous erysipelas Term description

A form of erysipelas characterised by inflammation and the formation of abscesses.

NamePhthisis Term description

Pulmonary tuberculosis

NamePlain soled Term description

Flat footed

NamePlook Term description


NamePurples Term description
