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Name Term description
NameHM printer and stationer Term description

One who produces official documents for the Government and sells paper, ink, etc., to Government offices

NameHog merchant Term description

One who buys and sells hogs and pigs

NameHookmaker Term description

One who makes hooks

NameHorner Term description

Maker of horn items, for example Spoons, combs

NameHorse merchant Term description

One who buys and sells horses and ponies

NameHorse, master of Term description

One who oversees the stables, often of a royal court or a nobleman

NameHorse-cooper/horse-cuper/horse-couper Term description

One who buys and sells horses and ponies

NameHorse-dealer Term description

One who buys and sells horses and ponies

NameHorsehirer/horse-hirer Term description

One who owns horses for hire

NameHorsehyrer Term description

One who owns horses for hire

NameHorsesetter Term description

One who owns horses for hire

NameHorse-setter Term description

One who owns horses for hire

NameHosier Term description

Hose maker

NameHostler Term description


NameHouse carpenter Term description

One who works with wood in a domestic setting

NameHouse surveyor Term description

One who estimates quantities for building or for revenue purposes

NameHousehold master Term description

Senior male servant in charge of a household

NameHousekeeper Term description

Senior indoor servant, usually female

NameHouse-keeper Term description

Senior indoor servant, usually female

NameHouse-steward Term description

Senior indoor manservant

NameHuckster Term description

Pedlar, hawker

NameHusbandman Term description

Tenant of a dwelling and land on an estate

NameHynder Term description

Farm servant

NameHyne Term description

Farm servant

NameHol. Term description
