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Name Term description
NameCorn merchant Term description

One who deals in corn

NameCorn-chandler Term description

One who deals in corn

NameCorn-coupper Term description

Corn dealer

NameCornet Term description

Lowest rank of commissioned army officer

NameCorporal Term description

Non-commissioned army officer

NameCostermonger Term description

A seller of fruit and vegetables from a barrow

NameCotchman Term description

One who drives a passenger vehicle

NameCoter/cottar Term description

Tenant of a cottage; farm worker with tied cottage

NameCottar man/cottar-man/cotterman Term description

Tenant of a cottage; farm worker with tied cottage

NameCottarman Term description

Tenant of a cottage; farm worker with tied cottage

NameCotter woman Term description

Tenant of a cottage; farm worker with tied cottage

NameCotton manufacturer Term description

One who makes cotton cloth

NameCouncilor Term description

Member of town or burgh local administration, elected

NameCount Term description

Nobleman, equivalent to earl (rarely used in Scotland)

NameCounter warden Term description

Treasurer, keeper of accounts

NameCountess Term description

Noblewoman, usually wife of an earl or count, above a viscountess and below a marchioness

NameCountess dowager Term description

Noblewoman, usually wife of an earl or count, above a viscountess and below a marchioness

NameCoupar Term description

Cask or barrel maker

NameCouper Term description

Cask or barrel maker

NameCowfeeder Term description

Dairy farmer

NameCowper Term description

Maker of barrels/casks

NameCox-swain Term description

One who helps with the navigation of a boat or ship

NameCramer Term description

Stall holder, pedlar

NameCrealman/creelman/creelaman/creillman/creilmaker Term description

Makes/sells creels for lobster or crab fishing

NameCremer Term description

Stall holder, pedlar