Estate papers is the collective name for the records of landed estates, and these usually consist of title deeds, tacks, rentals, correspondence, accounts and other records concerning the management of agriculture, forestry, fishing and industry on an estate.
Rentals (or rent rolls) often consist of summary accounts of the annual income of the estate without mentioning individuals but some contain names of the tenants, place names and details of lands or buildings leased. A tack is a legal document, recording the terms and conditions of an individual lease of land or a building.
Most estate papers belong to the families who own land but the Crown managed estates directly or indirectly (such as the Forfeited Estates after the Jacobite Rebellions), and rentals and other records concerning estate matters can sometimes be found among court records.
poser 365 - Rental roll for the regality of Dunfermline, 1607
poser 368 - Description of the barony of Keenaght, circa 1610
poser 369 - Description of the barony of Keenaght, 1614
poser 372 - Rental of Torphichen Regality Court Register, 1632-36
poser 332 - Rental of Dunstaffnage (Regality Court of Argyll), 1652
poser 366 - Minutes of the barony court of Corstorphine, 1692
poser 367 - Judicial rentals, Callander Barony Court records
Estate papers
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