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To some extent corporate bodies in burghs (for example, town councils and burgh courts) created similar types of records to other bodies and courts in Scotland (such as minute books, act books and registers of sasines and deeds) but there were some characteristic differences and a knowledge of burgh and burgess terminology is important in reading and understanding burgh records.

Burgh and town council minute books

poser 309 - Minute book of Culross Burgh, 1656
poser 352 - Minute book of Lanark Burgh, 1675
poser 355 - Minute book of Lanark Burgh, 1680
poser 308 - Minute book of Culross Burgh, 1698
poser 275 - Rothesay Town Council Minutes, 1716
poser 276 - Rothesay Town Council Minutes, 1716
poser 327 - Dundee Burgh Minute Book, 1779
poser 328 - Dundee Burgh Minute Book, 1852

Burgh court records

For help on this visit our tutorial on on burgh court records.

Help on other websites

There is a selection of burgh documents on the AmBaile website.
On the Scottish Archive Network website there is a small exhibition on the burgh's role in the early criminal justice system, specifically relating to witchcraft cases in Dumfries, 1650-1671.

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