Poser 275 - Rothesay Town Council Minutes, 1716

This poser is the first part of two taken from the Rothesay Town Council Minutes, 1716 (Argyll and Bute Council Archives, BR1/2). The image and transcription are published with kind permission of Argyll and Bute Council Archives.

The handwriting is a good example for a hand of the beginning of 18th century. The clerk was consistent in the way he formed his letters. He had a tendency to use flourishes for his capital letters. Watch out for the capital letter H and the letter thorn.

Extract from the Rothesay Town Council Minutes, 1716 (Argyll and Bute Council Archives, BR1/2.

Question: why did John Hamilton petition the Town Council of Rothesay?


For help with reading the poser, use our coaching manual. The following area may be of particular assistance.

Phonetic spellings
Ligatured letters
Letter thorn
Capital letters

Answer to this poser