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Name Term description
NameAblepsy Term description

Loss of sight.

NameAgue Term description

Fever, usually malarial, characterised by sweating and shaking.

NameAmerican plague Term description

Yellow fever (a viral infection transmitted by mosquitoes).

NameAnasarca Term description

Extreme generalised edema, i.e. swelling throughout the body. Can be caused by liver or heart failure, or malnutrition.

NameAphonia Term description

An inability to speak for pathological or psychological reasons.

NameAphtha Term description

A small ulcer on the mouth or tongue.

NameApoplexy Term description

Traditionally denotes a sudden loss of consciousness, often preceding death. Also refers to bleeding within the internal organs.

NameAsphyxia Term description

A severe reduction in the amount of oxygen being supplied to the body through obstruction of the breathing, leading to loss of consciousness.

NameAtrophy Term description

A wasting away of an organ or body tissue owing to injury, disease or lack of use.

NameAxies/axes/access fits Term description


NameAizle tooth Term description


NameAmshach Term description

Accidental injury

NameAnward trobell Term description

Inward trouble (could be gynecological).

NameAsmey Term description


NameAsoond Term description

In a faint