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Exercise 2

What was the total value of the household contents, that is the furniture, sash window, iron pot, clothing and barrel of herring?

National Archives of Scotland, CC12/3/6 p16
Crown copyright, National Records of Scotland, CC12/3/6, p16


The said deceast Alexander Murphie had pertaining and belong-
ing to him the time forsaid of his decease the Goods Gear and
effects particularly aftermentioned Viz~ one half of a Fisher
Boat with two pairs of Nets valued at five pounds. A Gray
Horse about five years old valued at four pounds, an Ambrie
at ten shillings and six pence. The Timber part of a bed
at four shillings A sash window with Glass in it valued
at Two shillings and six pence. An Iron pot valued at
five shillings. The Defuncts body Clothes valued at Two
pounds one Barrel of Herrings valued at Ten shillings and
six pence. The above being all sterling money

Summa Inventarij xij lib~ xii s~ vi d~



20 shillings = 1 pound
12 pence = 1 shilling
240 pence = 1 pound

If your sub total has more than 12 pence or 20 shillings you will need to round them up to the next shilling or pound.

Item Value
Pounds (L) Shillings (s) Pence (d)
timber bed frame      
sash window      
iron pot      
barrel of herring      
Sub total      