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Exercise 5

Sometimes the main difficulty in a testament (or indeed any document) is identifying place names or personal names. In the introductory clause and inventory the following testament page, there are several tricky place names: some on the island of Bute and another one elsewhere. Answer the questions and transcribe the last line of the inventory.

1. Is the testament a testament dative qua creditor or a testament dative qua nearest of kin?


Now answer the questions below by typing in the appropriate blank spaces. The text will be red as you type and will turn black when you have answered correctly. The answers are case-sensitive, so make sure you have used capital letters where appropriate.

2. Who was the deceased?

Answer: in the parish of

3. What was his occupation?

Answer: on HMS

4. Where did he die?

Answer: at the of

5. Who was the executor?

Answer: , farmer in

6. What was the debt being pursued by the executor?

Answer: Six pounds Thirteen shillings sterling of for his on of

7. Transcribe the last line of the inventory?


Testament dative and inventory, NAS reference CC12/3/6/203

Crown copyright, National Records of Scotland, CC12/3/6, page 203

Read the transcription and answers

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