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4. Introduction To Testaments Dative - Format

The testament dative is the simplest form of testament. Once you understand how and why testaments dative were obtained you will be able to move on to other forms of the testamentary process.

Look at the testament below. Do not try to read it at this stage. Even in the reduced size of image you can see that it is split into three main parts:

Thumbnail image of the main parts of a testament dative from the 18th century NAS ref. CC12/3/6 p16
  • an introductory paragraph
  • an inventory (beginning with the sub-title Inventary) and ending in the words Summa Inventary and a sum of money in Roman numerals)
  • a closing paragraph

These represent the three main parts of the testament dative – the introductory clause, the inventory and the confirmation clause.

We’re about to examine the testamentary process using a real example – the testament of Alexander Murphy, a fisherman on the island of Arran.

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