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Dunlop Letters: Letter 5 - Take The Test

Background Information

This is the second half of the letter which began in document 4. In September 1684 William Dunlop was in London. This part of the letter deals with social matters. In a previous letter home he has neglected to send greetings to his mother, and, having been rebuked in a letter from his father, he now has to reassure her that he has not forgotten her.

Several Scots words might need explaining:

Scots English
Anent concerning
Chaik rebuke
Mertamis Martinmas, the 11th November (a Scottish quarter day)

Images reproduced with permission of Glasgow City Council, Mitchell Library (Mitchell Library reference DC14/2).

Take The Test

The document has been divided into 4 sections. Read the section shown in the image and transcribe the word you think is missing from the text below by typing in the appropriate blank space. The text will be red as you type and will turn black when you have transcribed the word correctly.

Lines 1-7 of a letter written by William Dunlop in 1681, Mitchell Library reference DC14

01. Loving father I am much grieved

02. at your Chaik anent the bot hops

03. in me knouing

04. that S[i]r w[i]t[h] much

05. (who knous the secrets of all hearts)


07. & tender hearted

Lines 8-15 of a letter written by William Dunlop in 1681, Mitchell Library reference DC14

08. Mother S[i]r

09. eght dayes or munday

10. eght dayes for Borostones S[i]r



13. Mertamis w[i]t[h] the

14. s[i]r


Lines 16-23 of a letter written by William Dunlop in 1681, Mitchell Library reference DC14





20. & Archib[ald] To my Aunt & To my Aunt Mrs

21. Cunningham so I Rest

22. your Loving & obedient son to death

23. W[illia]m Dunlop