Poser 394 – minute book of the presbytery of Stirling, 1583

This is the last of three posers concerning the presbytery of Stirling's suppression of pilgrimages to Christ's Well, on the outskirts of Stirling in 1583. The extract below is from the minutes of the presbytery in 1583 (National Records of Scotland, CH2/722/1, page 144).

If you have tackled the last two posers you should be in the groove by now and be able to dash this one off in no time. If this is the first poser you are attempting, you might be advised to go back to poser 392 and poser 393 and work through them in order.

Image of an extract from the minutes of the presbytery of Stirling, 1583 (National Records of Scotland, CH2/722/1 page 144).

Question: why did William Kay make a pilgrimage to the well, what did he leave behind?


For help with reading the poser, use our coaching manual. The following areas may be of particular assistance:

Letter p and p-prefixes
Letters u, v and w
Scots language
Phonetic spelling

Answer to this poser