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This poser is the second part of the extract taken from the Register of Deeds (National Records of Scotland, RD2/67, page 338). In poser 344, we learnt about who owed what to whom. This second part of the document concerns the penalties for late payment and the witnesses to this bond.

In the handwriting, look out for some blurred lettering and there are some good examples of letter interference towards the end of the document such as the last name of the witnesses. There is also the continuing issue of near constant abbreviations.

Image of an extract from the Register of Deeds (National Records of Scotland, RD2/67 page 338).

Questions: Can you identify:

1. What was the penalty and interest for late payment?
2. What were the names of the witnesses?


For help with reading the poser, use our coaching manual. The following areas may be of particular assistance.

Letter e
Letter i
Letter thorn

Answer to this poser