In this poser, taken from the Register of Deeds (National Records of Scotland, RD2/67, page 338), we
asked you what the penalty and interest for late payment was and what the names of the witnesses were.

1. The penalty and interest for late payment was thirtie pounds.
2. The witnesses were George Seatone and John Seton.
but delay With
the sum of Thirtie pounds mo[n]e[y] fors[ai]d of expences in
case of failzie Together also with the ordinar a[nnual] rent of
the s[ai]d prin[cipa]ll sum yearly termly & proportionally after
the s[ai]d term of pay[men]t a[bove] wri[tti]n consenting to the reg[ist]ra[t]ion
hereof in any Judges books competent That hes of
horning on an simple charge of Sex dayes may pass
hereon as effeirs And constitu[t]es mr Rob[ert] Deanes ad-
-vocat my Pro[curator] In witness q[uhai]rof thir P[res]nts wri[tti]n by
mr John Seaton wry[te]r in Ed[inbu]r[gh] are sub[scryvi]t w[i]t[h] my hand
at Ed[inbu]r[gh] the tuenty sexth day of may Jaivj ~ & Eighty
Sex years Before thir witness[is] George Seatone taylor
burgess of Ed[inbu]r[gh] & thes[ai]d mr John sic sub[scribi]tur Ro[bert]
Seatoun G Seatoun witnes J Seton witnes
This poser was devised by Fiona Menzies, Archivist, Edinburgh.
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