Poser 396 – minute book of the High Court of Justiciary, 1662

This poser is taken from the minute books of the High Court of Justiciary and is dated 4th December 1662 (Crown copyright, National Records of Scotland, JC6/6, page 27). This passage relates to the court's sentence on a man found guilty of double adultery.

The sentence has been squeezed into the available space and suffers from the interference of one line with the next. There is less bleed through than usual in this extract. Watch for weak down strokes in the letter g. The fourth word of the penultimate line is contracted.

Image of an extract from the minute books of the High Court of Justiciary, 1662 (National Records of Scotland, JC6/6 page 27).

Question: what was the sentence passed?


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Answer to this poser