Poser 362 - Testament of George Anderson, 1667

This poser is from the testament of George Anderson, which was registered at Lauder Commissary Court in 1667 (Crown copyright, National Records of Scotland, CC15/5/6, page 24).

The hand is very loose with long ascenders and descenders, which regularly bear large loops.

Excerpt from the testament of George Anderson, Lauder Commissary Court (National Records of Scotland, CC15/5/6 page 24).

From the above text can you tell:

  1. What is George Anderson's wife called? (clue: it's not Mrs Anderson!)
  2. In what circumstance would she have the third part of all moveables?
  3. What else would she be entitled to in this circumstance?


For help with reading the poser, use our coaching manual. The following areas may be of particular assistance:

Letter h
Letter s
Letter t

Answer to this poser