Poser 331 - Decreets of the Privy Council, 1680

This poser is taken from the decreets of the Privy Council in 1680 (Crown copyright, National Records of Scotland, PC2/20, page 502). Much of the Privy Council business in 1680 concerned the king's host. This was the mustering of the nobles and landowners (usually referred to as heritors or freeholders) and their men-at-arms. In medieval times this constituted the army of the realm but by 1680 there was a standing (professional) army. Nevertheless the landowners of Scotland still owed feudal service of attending the host, unless they were exempt because of some other royal duty or through personal circumstances. It was Privy Council's duty to determine whether landowners who had failed to attend the host had a legitimate excuse (and, if not, to fine them).

Privy Council decreet, 1680 (National Records of Scotland, PC2/20 page 502).

Questions: what reasons were given by the three landowners for their non-attendance and did the Privy Council accept them?


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