Poser 298 - Inventory of William Robertson

This poser is a passage from the inventory in the testament of William Robertson, the historian and former principal of Edinburgh University, included in the Commissary Court records for Edinburgh, 1802 (Crown copyright, National Records of Scotland CC8/8/133, page 523).

The hand is fairly typical for a hand at the end of the eighteenth century. The clerk has a tendency to flourish his capital letters. Watch out for the similarity in his letters s and f and the flourish on his letter d.

Extract from the testament testamentary of William Robertson, 1802 (National Records of Scotland CC8/8/133 page 523).

Question: which item was given to Robertson by Catherine the Great?


For help with reading the poser, use our coaching manual. The following area may be of particular assistance.

18th century alphabet
Letter s
Letter f
Letter d
Capital letters

Answer to this poser