Poser 370 - Citation to appear in court, regality court of Boncle and Preston

In this poser, taken from the court book of the Regality of Boncle and Preston (National Records of Scotland, RH11/8/1, page 69), we asked you who was being summoned by the court and why.

Minute from the court book of the Regality of Boncle and Preston, (National Records of Scotland, RH11/8/1, page 69).

Answers: Robert Dicksone, servant to Lady Slighhouses, was summoned to give evidence (bear Leall and suthfast witnessing) in the case of Robert Turnbull in East Mains (East means) v Lady Slighhouses.


Upon the fifteen day of october jajv & eightie six years
I Thomas Craig officer Lawfullie soumanded Ro[ber]t dicksone
servitor to Isbell Dicksone Lady Slighhouses personalie
apprehended to Compear befor the Balzie of the Regality
of Bunkell and Prestowne the eighteen day of october
jajv & eightie six years instant and th[a]t for the third time
to bear Leall and suthfast witnessing in the actione and
Cause perswed be Ro[ber]t Turnbull in the East means
Against the s[ai]d Isbell Dicksone and made Certificatione
to him as effiers This I did Befor thir witneses John sander-
-sone And David muireburne Rentlars in Lintlaws and for
the maire verificatione of this my Indersatone I have
subwscryvit th[i]r p[rese]nts w[i]t[h] my hand
[signed] Thomas Craig


Compear (line 4) - to appear in court
Balzie of the Regality (line 4) - the senior judge (baillie) in the area under the jurisdiction of the court of regality
Leall and suthfast (line 7) - faithfull and trustworthy
As effiers (line10) - as pertains
Rentlars (line 11) - tenants
Indersatone (line 12) - endorsement
Subwscryvit th[i]r p[rese]nts w[i]t[h] my hand (line 13) - subscribed this document with my own hand

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