In this poser we asked you three questions about a minute from the Dunkeld Regality Court minute book from 1711 about a new act of Parliament and its implementation (National Records of Scotland, RH11/28/2, page 8).
1. What is the act about?
2. What is to be inspected in the town?
3. The second person appointed to carry out the inspection is John Duff (the last two letters of his name have been obscured). Who is the other person?

The answers are:
1. The act is about making and bleaching linen cloth.
2. Equipment for making linen, hidels and graith are to be inspected.
3. John Boal is one of the weavers who is to carry out the inspection.
Dunkeld 28 t[h] Nove[mbe]r 17ij [1711]
The above persons apoynted to meet and Condescend
upon a fit method To see the act of the shyre
anent makeing and Bleitching linen [put in execution] Cloath All
met this day (except such as are marked absent abo[ve)]
Condescended and aggreed That two Wyvers in toun
should inspect the hidels and Graith of the rest of the wyvers
in toun haughend and brae fot of Craigiebarins and
That they should see the fors[ai]d act in the haill heads
th[ai]rof And for th[a]t effect names John Boal & John Du[ff]
wyvers Who are to be sworn to th[a]t effect
graith (line 7) = 1. Materials or equipment (for a particular purpose); apparatus or tackle; tools or implements. 2. Accessory equipment, apparatus, tackle for pieces of mechanism of various kinds, as a mill, plough, clock, loom, etc. 3. A leaf of heddles for a loom.
hidels (line 7) = The small cords or wires, with the shafts suspended from them, through which the warp is passed in a loom, and which raise and sink a proportion of the threads alternately so as to allow the passage of the shuttle bearing the weft.
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