Poser 350 - Confirmation clause from the testament of Euon oig M[a]cTavis, 1676

This poser is the confirmation clause from the testament of Euon oig M[a]cTavis recorded in the Commissary Court of Argyll in 1676 (Crown copyright, National Records of Scotland, CC2/3/1, page 361). You will find contractions and abbreviations relative to legal terminology (including on line 7 in communi forma which means in common form i.e. the manner in which one would expect), lots of minims to count and some unfamiliar names.

Image of the confirmation clause from the testament of Euon oig M[a]cTavis recorded in the Commissary Court of Argyll in 1676 (National Records of Scotland, CC2/3/1, page 361).

Questions: Who was the executor and how was he related to the deceased Euon oig M[a]cTavis?


For help with reading the poser, use our coaching manual. The following areas may be of particular assistance.

Letters i, j, m, n, u
Letter r

Answers to this poser