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In this poser, taken from the Register of Deeds (National Records of Scotland, RD2/67, page 338),
we asked you what the names of those concerned in the bond are and who owed money to whom, what
the principle sum of money was and when it was to be repaid.

Image of an extract taken from the Register of Deeds (National Records of Scotland, RD2/67 page 338).


1. Robert Seatoun owes money to Thomas Fisher.
2. Tuo Hundered thirtie pounds.
3. Betuixt the date hereof and the term of Martimess next to come. Martimess is a Scottish quarter day on the
11th of November.


Seatoun to Fisher

In p[rese]nce Compeared mr Rob[ert] Deanes advocat as pro[curato]r for
Rob[ert] Seatone afterdesigned and gave in the bond underwri[tti]n
q[uhai]vot the tenor followes I Robert Seatoun baillie in Tranent
Grant me to be justly adebted resting owning to Thomas Fisher
mer[chan]t burges of Ed[inbu]r[gh] the sum of Tuo Hundered thirtie pounds
scots[is] money Q[uhi]lk sum of Two Hundered Thirty pound mo[n]e[y]
fors[ai]d I bind and obleidge me my heirs ex[ecuto]rs intro[mito]rs w[i]t[h] my
Lands rents goods gear & successors q[uha]tsom[eve]r thankfully
to refound content & again pay to the s[ai]d Thomas Fisher
his heirs ex[ecuto]rs or ass[ign]ies And th[a]t betuixt the date hereof
and the term of Martimess next to come in this instant
year of God Jaivj~& Eighty Sex years

This poser was devised by Fiona Menzies, Archivist, Edinburgh.

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