Poser 341 - Minutes of the Synod of Angus and Mearns, 1703

This poser is taken from the minutes of the Synod of Angus and Mearns, 1703 (National Records of Scotland, CH2/12/1, page 159). The minute relates to the appointment of the first minister to Brechin.

While the hand is a little later in the secretary hand period, it contains many of the classic secretary hand styles such as the c, e, r and v whereas other letters such as h and t are more like our contemporary forms. Use is made of punctuation, as well as tittle marks for u and ampersands for and.

Image of the minutes of the Synod of Angus and Mearns, 1703 (National Records of Scotland, CH2/12/1 page 159).

Question: Please transcribe the minute.


For help with reading the poser, use our coaching manual. The following areas may be of particular assistance.

Letter c
Letter r
Letters u, v and w

Answer to this poser