Poser 334 - Edinburgh birth registers, 1851

This poser is taken from the Edinburgh birth registers, 1851 (Crown copyright, National Records of Scotland, OPR Births 685/0106000207 Edinburgh).

The hand is fairly spidery which is typical for the 19th century. By modern standards the clerk, like many clerks of this era, made somewhat excessive use of capital letters and it can be difficult in some cases - as for example with the letter a - to determine whether the clerk meant it to be upper case or not.

Passage from the Edinburgh birth registers, 1851 (National Records of Scotland, OPR Births 685/0106000207 Edinburgh).

Questions: what had George Gray grandfather's job been latterly and where had he retired to? Bonus point if you can correctly identify what the abbreviated honorifics stand for.


For help with reading the poser, use our coaching manual. The following areas may be of particular assistance.

Letter a
Capital letters

Answer to this poser