This poser, taken from the Porteous and traistis roll of Ayr, 12 September 1679 (Crown copyright, National Records of Scotland, JC26/53/4, page 2), we asked you who was murdered and who commanded the King's forces.
Answers: The archbishop of St Andrews was murdered and Duke of Buccleuch commanded the King's forces.
Ye & each of who ar Indyted & accused for the Cryms of high -
treason & perduellione in rysing & continewing in armes w[i]th
the number of fyve or sex thousand of your accomplices and serving
under & protecting the Cruell murderers of the late archbishop of
St andrews in y[ou]r rebellione and th[a]t be the space of 22 days in
the moneth of june last and untill ye wes Defate by his
ma[jestie]s forces under the Comand of James duke of buicleuch generall
of his ma[jestie]s forces w[i]thin this kingdome at the bridge of bothwell q[uhai]r ye
hade the Impudence & boldness to resist oppose & fight w[i]th his
ma[jestie]s forces and that ye have not taken the band not to ryse in
armes ag[ain]st his majestie & his au[thori]tie in tyme comeing and
therfor ye ought to be punished w[i]th forfaultur of lyff lands & goods
This poser was devised by Alan Laurie, a researcher with an interest in 17th century High Court of Justiciary cases.
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