Poser 320 - Testament dative, 1700

In this poser, taken from a testament dative, 1700, we asked you which landowners owed Mr Forbes money.

Passage of the testament dative of Alexander Forbes, writer (or lawyer) in Edinburgh, 22 March 1700 (National Records of Scotland CC8/8/81 page 102).

Answer: Lord Banff (Lord Bamfe), Purves of Abbayhill and Belshes of Tofts owed Mr Forbes money.


In The First ther wes Restane awane to the s[ai]d vmq[uhi]ll
Mr Alex[ande]r Forbes the tyme of his deceise fors[ai]d and omitted
out of his s[ai]d confirmed Testa[men]t be his s[ai]d ex[ecu]ture To Witt be
~ Lord Bamfe by bond jc~li~ scott[is] prin[cipa]ll with certaine
bygaine a[nnual]rent[is] preceiding the defunct[is] deceise Item be
~ Purves of abbayhill by accompt jc~Lxxxv li~ xiiij s~ money
Item be ~ Belshes of Tofts by tickit xxxiiij li~ prin[cipa]ll
with certaine bygaine a[nnual]rentis the tyme fors[ai]d
Suma of the debt[is] awine to the dead iijc~xjx li~.

This week's poser was contributed by 'Fodiator', a researcher from Fife.

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