Poser 319 - Hearth tax roll for Dunfermline burgh, 1694

This poser is taken from the hearth tax roll for the county of Fife (Crown copyright, National Records of Scotland, E69/10/1, page 4) and dates to 1694. In early modern Scotland, burghs promoted the expansion of trade, industrial development and social mobility, in part by allowing an alternative to restrictive feudal property ownership. This extract from the roll (concerning the burgh of Dunfermline) provides evidence of this; specifying three ways that a property could be possessed. The occupations or trades of two tax payers are also listed.

Section from the hearth tax roll for Fife, 1694  (National Records of Scotland, E69/10/1 page 4).

Questions: Can you identify the two tradesmen and the three types of property tenure?


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Letter e
Letter h
Letter r

Answer to this poser