Poser 297 - Inventory of Kathren Murchie

This poser features a short inventory recorded by the Commissary Court of Caithness in 1663, (Crown copyright, National Records of Scotland, CC4/3/1, page 143).

In this case the inventory was for the deceased Kathren Murchie in Watten, and shows that testaments were often recorded for people with little in the way of worldly goods.

One thing which might confuse you is that after each of the second, third and fourth items in the inventory the clerk wrote the word p[ri]ce before the sum of money.

Image of part of the inventory of Kathren Murchie in Watten, 1663 (National Records of Scotland, CC4/3/1, page 143).

Question: apart from her cow and ewes, what were the only other items of value in Kathren Murchie's house?


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