This poser is taken from the Book of Rates within the Exchequer Records and is part of the tables of inward and outward customs, compiled about 1669 (Crown copyright, National Records of Scotland, E76/6/41).
The list contains the name of each type of commodity, the specific quantity and physical qualities of the goods and the custom duty.
The spelling of certain words may require a bit of imagination to make sense of them! You may also need to look up some of the more archaic names for particular animals and measures used here. There are links to the Dictionary of the Scottish Language and SCAN websites given below which may help. Watch out for contractions of words and some interference between lines of text.

Question: which items have a duty of more than 1l~ (one pound)?
For help with reading the poser, use our coaching manual. The following area may be of particular assistance.
17th century alphabet
Phonetic spelling
Dictionary of the Scottish Language
SCAN Weights and Measures Guide