Poser 364 - Dunfermline Regality Court register, circa 1605

In this poser we asked you to transcribe a list of cases from an extract of an index to a Dunfermline Regality Court register circa 1605 (National Records of Scotland, RH11/27/16, page 7). We also asked you to identify the word which sometimes replaced the page numbers.

Extract from the index to a Dunfermline Regality Court register circa 1605 (National Records of Scotland, RH11/27/16, page 7)

Answer: The word replacing the page numbers is ibid, which is from the Latin ibidem meaning in the same place i.e. on the same page. This word is still used by academics in citing sources.


De[cree]t Waterstoune [cont]ra Lowdian – 218
De[cree]t Smetoun [cont]ra Colzeir - ibid
Elders Curators – ibid
De[cree]t Merches over & neath[e]r lassody – ibid
De[cree]t Alex[ande]r [cont]ra Newbirne – 3[-]
De[cree]t Halkheid [cont]ra Halkheid – 30[-]
De[cree]t Bosuell [cont]ra Kirkaldie – 305
De[cree]t Smetoun [cont]ra Colzier – 307
Particing Gurlay and durie – ibid
De[cree]t Bosuell [cont]ra Kirkaldie – 308
S[e]rvice dowglas – 309
Alex[ande]r [cont]ra Auchmowty – 310


decreet – decree
contra – against
curators – an administrator of another person's affairs
ibid – on the same page, from the Latin ibidem – in the same place
particing (sometimes partising) – formal division of lands and goods into shares or portions

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