Poser 305 - Porteous Roll for Edinburgh, 1679

In this poser, from the Porteous Roll for Edinburgh, 1679, we asked what allegedly happened to John Gray due to Janet's action.

Excerpt from the Porteous Roll for Edinburgh, contained in the High Court of Justiciary process papers, 1679 (National Records of Scotland, JC26/51/5 page 3).

Answer: John was recorded to have lost his wits, speech and hearing.


Indyted and accused for the Cryme of witchcraft sorcerie
necromancie renunceing our blessed saviour and hir baptisme & giving hirselfe
soule & body to the divell and committing sundrie malefices against his ma[jes]ties subjects
par[ticul]arlie for taikeing away the witt, speech and heiring from John Gray son to John
Gray smith in Northleith secondlie Efter threatneing of Goodaile workman
in leith for bewitcheing of him Thirdlie for be witching of w[illia]m whyt workman
in leith and payning of him to death Becaus as she alleadgit he
keepit up some keages belonging to hir sone all thir deads of malefice wer
committed be the s[ai]d Janet Hill about nyntein or tuenteyears agoe

This poser was devised by Alan Laurie, a researcher with an interest in 17th century High Court of Justiciary cases.

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