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The recently updated Scottish Handwriting 1500-1700: a self-help pack is now available to purchase from the Scotland's People online shop.

Scottish handwriting kit front cover

Cover of the updated Scottish Handwriting 1500-1700: a self-help pack which offers help to budding palaeographers.

National Records of Scotland (NRS) are excited to announce the release of a new and improved version of the popular self-help pack, ‘Scottish Handwriting 1500-1700’. Created in partnership with NRS and the Scottish Records Association (SRA), the pack was originally made available in 1994. The contents have now been refreshed with high-resolution images, updated instructions, and for the first time, a digital downloadable version.

The pack is a step-by-step guide to reading the handwriting of Scottish documents originating between the sixteenth and eighteenth centuries using facsimiles, mainly from the ’NRS’ archives, to aid transcription. Those familiar with family history and NRS’ Scotland's People, may recognise some of the record types included, such as wills, a testament and inventory, and kirk session minutes.

The pack is divided into two parts. The first contains an introduction, chapters on Secretary Hand characteristics, contemporary alphabets, and updated bibliography. The second part comprises of transcriptions of 12 original documents, with historical context, and a high-quality colour reproduction of each document is also provided.

National Records of Scotland, High Court of Justiciary Court paper, JC26/1/56

This is one of the reproductions used as an example in the pack. A full transcription, along with historical context and tips are included to help read the document.
NRS, High Court of Justiciary Court paper, 1558, JC26/1/56

You can purchase a hard copy of the pack from the Scotland's People online shop or the free digital version (in .pdf format) on the NRS Publications page.

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