Name Description Type
Kilmonivaig kirk session A church court that sat within the presbytery of Abertarff and the synod of Argyll. Church court view
Kilmorack kirk session A church court that sat within the presbytery of Dingwall and the synod of Ross. Church court view
Kilmore and Kilbride kirk session A church court that sat within the presbytery of Lorn and the synod of Argyll. Church court view
Kilmorich kirk session A church court that sat within the presbytery of Dunoon and the synod of Argyll. Church court view
Kilmory kirk session A church court that sat within the presbytery of Kintyre and the synod of Argyll. Church court view
Kilmuir Easter kirk session A church court that sat within the presbytery of Tain and the synod of Ross. Church court view
Kilmuir kirk session A church court that sat within the presbytery of Skye and the synod of Glenelg. Church court view
Kilmun (quoad sacra) kirk session A church court that sat within the presbytery of Dunoon and the synod of Argyll. Church court view
Kilninian and Kilmore kirk session A church court that sat within the presbytery of Mull and the synod of Argyll. Church court view
Kilninver and Kilmelfort kirk session A church court that sat within the presbytery of Lorn and the synod of Argyll. Church court view
Kilrenny kirk session A church court that sat within the presbytery of St Andrews and the synod of Fife. Church court view
Kilspindie and Rait kirk session A church court that sat within the presbytery of Perth and the synod of Perth and Stirling. Church court view
Kilsyth kirk session A church court that sat within the presbytery of Falkirk and the synod of Glasgow and Ayr. Church court view
Kiltarlity kirk session A church court that sat within the presbytery of Inverness and the synod of Moray. Church court view
Kiltearn kirk session A church court that sat within the presbytery of Dingwall and the synod of Ross. Church court view
Kilwinning kirk session A church court that sat within the presbytery of Irvine and the synod of Glasgow and Ayr. Church court view
Kincardine O'Neil kirk session A church court that sat within the presbytery of Kincardine O'Neil and the synod of Aberdeen. Church court view
Kincardine O'Neil presbytery A higher court of the Church of Scotland. Church court view
Kinclaven kirk session A church court that sat within the presbytery of Dunkeld and the synod of Perth and Stirling. Church court view
Kinellar kirk session A church court that sat within the presbytery of Aberdeen and the synod of Aberdeen. Church court view
Kinfauns kirk session A church court that sat within the presbytery of Perth and the synod of Perth and Stirling. Church court view
King Edward kirk session A church court that sat within the presbytery of Turriff and the synod of Aberdeen. Church court view
Kingarth kirk session A church court that sat within the presbytery of Fordoun and the synod of Angus and Mearns. Church court view
Kinghorn kirk session A church court that sat within the presbytery of Kirkcaldy and the synod of Fife. Church court view
Kinglassie kirk session A church court that sat within the presbytery of Kirkcaldy and the synod of Fife. Church court view