Name Description Type
Dunnichen kirk session A church court that sat within the presbytery of Forfar and the synod of Angus and Mearns. Church court view
Dunnichen kirk session A church court that sat within the presbytery of Forfar and the synod of Angus and Mearns. Church court view
Dunning kirk session A church court that sat within the presbytery of Auchterarder and the synod of Perth and Stirling. Church court view
Dunnottar kirk session A church court that sat within the presbytery of Fordoun and the synod of Angus and Mearns Church court view
Dunoon (quoad sacra) kirk session A church court that sat within the presbytery of Dunoon and the synod of Argyll. Church court view
Dunoon and Kilmun kirk session A church court that sat within the presbytery of Dunoon and the synod of Argyll. Church court view
Dunoon presbytery A higher court of the Church of Scotland. Church court view
Dunrossness and Fair Isle kirk session A church court that sat within the presbytery of Lerwick and the synod of Shetland. Church court view
Duns kirk session A church court that sat within the presbytery of Duns and the synod of Merse and Teviotdale. Church court view
Duns presbytery A higher court of the Church of Scotland. Church court view
Dunscore kirk session A church court that sat within the presbytery of Dumfries and the synod of Dumfries. Church court view
Dunsyre kirk session A church court that sat within the presbytery of Lanark, sometime of Biggar, and the synod of Lothian and Tweeddale. Church court view
Duntocher Trinity (quoad sacra) kirk session A church court that sat within the presbytery of Dumbarton and the synod of Glasgow and Ayr. Church court view
Duntocher kirk session A church court that sat within the presbytery of Dumbarton and the synod of Glasgow and Ayr. Church court view
Durisdeer kirk session A church court that sat within the presbytery of Penpoint and the synod of Dumfries. Church court view
Durness kirk session A church court that sat within the presbytery of Tongue and the synod of Sutherland and Caithness. Church court view
Duror (quoad sacra) kirk session A church court that sat within the presbytery of Lorn and the synod of Argyll. Church court view
Durris kirk session A church court that sat within the presbytery of Aberdeen and the synod of Aberdeen. Church court view
Duthil kirk session A church court that sat within the presbytery of Abernethy and the synod of Moray. Church court view
Dyce kirk session A church court that sat within the presbytery and synod of Aberdeen. Church court view
Dyke kirk session A church court that sat within the presbytery of Forres and the synod of Moray. Church court view
Dysart kirk session A church court that sat within the presbytery of Kirkcaldy and the synod of Fife. Church court view