1. The Testament Dative and Inventary of the Goods and

  2. Gear which pertained and belonged to the deceased Alexander Murphie law-

  3. full son of the deceast John Murphie in Easter Bennan in the Island of

  4. Arran and Commissariot of the Isles the time of his decease which

  5. happened upon the _____ day of _____ one thousand se-

  6. ven hundred and _____ years Faithfully made and given

  7. up by Mary Murphy lawfull sister of the defunct and spouse to Ar-

  8. chibald Robertson in Easter Bennan Executor Dative qua nearest in

  9. kin to the said Defunct Decerned to him by the Commissary of the

  10. Isles

Crown copyright, National Records of Scotland, CC12/3/6, p16