Transcription of lines 1-6
1. The said day also Vpon ane other bill of complent Given in be the
2. s[ai]d pro[curato]r fiscall and Jean Law widdow for her entres against James
3. Harvie maltman makeing mentione That whair the s[ai]d defe[nde]r hade
4. scandellized the s[ai]d persewar for her entres In swa fare as he vpon
5. the first day of maij instant in the afternoon with Jonnet douglas
6. enterrit the said Jean her hous with divers famous witness[es] and ther

Transcription of lines 7-12
7. avowed and assertit that the s[ai]d Jean was ane witch In swa
8. fare as shoe hade bewitched James Harvie his sone and offerred to
9. quatt the s[ai]d Jean the soume of Fourscoir pounds scotes mony alledgit
10. dew be her to him Provyding shoe would restoir his s[ai]d sone to
11. his health againe and releive him of her witchrie As the bill
12. beirs Compearit the defe[nde]r and denyit the bill and the justice

Transcription of lines 13-17
13. of peace admittit the samyne to the persewars proba[tio]une Who
14. for proveing therof adducit divers famous witness[es] sworne admittit
15. and examined Who proved nothing therof And therfor the said justice
16. of peice assoilzied and hereby assoilzies the s[ai]d James fra the fors[ai]d
17. bill for now and in all tyme comeing