Transcription of lines 1-7
1. And in lyke manner the said day Vpon ane other bill of complent
2. Given in be Androw Biggart tailyour Against the s[ai]d margaret
3. Huidis Makeing mentione that whair the s[ai]d Margaret scandelized
4. the said Androw By craying and railling against the s[ai]d Androw
5. declairing that the s[ai]d Androw whoured and keiped her husband and
6. the fors[ai]d Agnes Wilsone togither in his house drinking Goeing
7. doune the said Androw his stair curseing and malisoneing him

Transcription of lines 8-14
8. and his familie both vpon saturday last being the seavintine day
9. of the fors[ai]d moneth of march vnder cloud of night and vpon
10. the sabuith day immediatlie therafter and wishit the curse of
11. god to light vpon the s[ai]d Androw, his spous and all her genera[tio]une
12. and that ther was non of Gavine Wilsones familie bot them that was
13. theifs as the bill beirs Compearit the def[end]er and denyit the bill
14. and the s[ai]d justice of peice admittit the samyne to the persewar

Transcription of lines 15-21
15. proba[tio]une Who for proveing therof adducit divers famous
16. witness[es] sworne admittit and examined Who proved the said bill
17. sufficientlie And therfor the s[ai]d justice of peace Ordained the def[end]er
18. to stand vp vpon the binsch and to say false tongue shoe lied
19. Q[uhi]lk shoe refuisit to doe and fynit her in tuintie fyve pounds &
20. to remaine in waird till that ware payed therafter quatt the
21. fyne and remittit her to the church sensour