If you are having technical issues, here are some tips about getting the best from the site.

What we are working on

If you have an issue to report, check if it is part of what we are working on before you contact us. Also find out how we are improving the website and the changes you can expect to see in the future.


If you have a disability and are having problems using the site please read our accessibility page.


Find out how to change your password.

If you are an existing user and this is your first time logging in to our new website please use your existing username and password or read our help if you have trouble logging in.

Printing results pages and images

For advice on printing results pages and images please read our guidance on printing.


Read how to turn the search tips on and off.

Improve your searching by sorting and filtering search results.

Viewing images

Find out how to use the image viewer functions.

Using timelines

Find out how to create, view and edit timelines.

Reporting issues with data and images

Using the 'report an issue' button on the image viewer is the most effective way to report any issues with images or index data.