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Welcome to the Image Library. Search a selection of images from the National Records of Scotland's diverse collections and purchase high-quality digital images for publication, broadcast or display.

Royal Scots private, 1915-1918
Photograph of John Warnock Clapperton, Private in 9th Royal Scots Regiment, 12th Machine Gun Corps

Royal Navy officer and guns, c 1875
Photograph of Royal Navy officers on shore with gun and gun carriage and ships in background. One officer said to be James St Clair Bower 'who died at the hands of cannibals in Melanesia'.

Salute the Soldier billboard 1939-1945
Photograph of billboard poster used in the 'Salute the Soldier' wartime savings bond campaign.

Tank crews in Libya thank British factory workers, 1942
Photograph of British tank crews in the western desert show their appreciation for tank factory workers.

Cyril Fletcher promoting National Savings Certificates
Photograph of entertainer Cyril Fletcher taking part in National Savings Certificates campaign of fundraising

Savings bonds promotional leaflet, 1939-1945
Leaflet promoting the Second World War savings bond scheme.

The lady with the lamp, 1943
Photograph of a front line nurse attending a casualty in a field clearing station.

Cannon armed spitfires in flight 1939-1945
Photograph of cannon armed spitfires of East India Squadrons in flight.

Lancaster bomber at night 1939-1945
Photograph of Lancaster III bomber aircraft preparing for take-off at night.