Poser 316 - Articles of Agreement, 1610/11

In this poser, taken from the Articles of Agreement in 1610/11, we asked you what type of land was left as wasteland, and who in particular were to be given convenient plots of ground for their houses.

Articles of Agreement, 1610/11 (National Records of Scotland, RH15/91/33 page 3).

Answers: The types of land left as wasteland were bog and mountain (Bogge and Mountayne), and the Bishop and Dean of Derry (the Byshoppe and Deane of the Derrye) were given convenient plots of ground for their houses.


Item it is aggreed upon that at the Derrye 200 howsen shall
be builte, and Roome to be lefte For 300 And th[a]t 400 Acr[is]
lieinge one the Derry side nexte adioyninge to the Derry shallbe
laied thereunto. Bogge and barren Mountayne to be noe p[ar]cell
therof, butt to goe as waste For the Citie The same to
do[u]ne by indifferent comission[e]rs.
Item it is agreed th[a]t the Byshoppe and Deane of the Derrye
shall have convenient plottes of ground, For there seate
of their houses att the Derrye.

This poser was devised by Fodiator, a researcher from Fife.

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