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Name Term description
NameStent roll Term description

Valuation roll

NameSumma Term description

The sum, or total, normally found at the end of the inventory where the value of the deceased's estate is given [Latin].

NameSuperior Term description

The person who had made an original grant of land in return for the payment of an annual sum or feu, or for the performance of certain services, or both. The person receiving the grant who was thereby bound to make the payment or do the service which went with the lands was the superior's vassal.

NameSurrogate Term description

To appoint as a substitute; a substitute in respect of a right or claim.

NameStone Term description

A unit of weight. In Scots Troy weight, a stone was equivalent to 16 pounds.&nbsp;For more information, see our guide to <a href="/guides/weights-and-measures">weights and measures</a>.

NameSchiep Term description

Sheep. For more information, see our guide to <a href="/guides/agricultural-produce-and-livestock">agricultural produce and livestock</a>.

NameStirk Term description

A heifer that had been weaned (two or three years old). For more information, see our guide to <a href="/guides/agricultural-produce-and-livestock">agricultural produce and livestock</a>.

NameStot Term description

A bullock. For more information, see our guide to <a href="/guides/agricultural-produce-and-livestock">agricultural produce and livestock</a>.

NameSt Anthony's fire Term description

<font size="3">Erysipelas, a&nbsp;bacterial skin infection&nbsp;characterised by&nbsp;raised red patches on the upper dermis.</font>

NameScald head/scald heid Term description

Used to denote a number&nbsp;of scalp conditions featuring the formation of pustules and the loss of hair (including ringworm).

NameScrofula Term description

Tuberculosis of the lymphatic glands

NameShiver Term description

Cold sore, herpes zoster

NameShuilie fittit Term description


NameSmit Term description


NameSmittle Term description

Contagious, infectious

NameSpaining brash/speaning brash Term description

An&nbsp;indisposition affecting children or young animals on being weaned; milk fever.

NameStrangury Term description

Retention of urine

NameSurfeit Term description

<font size="3">Overindulgence in eating&nbsp;and&nbsp;drinking; a Bacchanalian tendency.</font>

NameSwarf Term description


NameSwiff awa' Term description

Faint or swoon

NameScrumpox Term description

Skin infection, impetigo