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Name Term description
NameSkipper Term description

One in charge of a boat or small ship

NameSklaiter Term description

One who prepares and fits roof slates and other slates

NameSkyner Term description

One who prepares and sells animal skins

NameSlater/slatter Term description

One who prepares and fits roof slates and other slates

NameSledder Term description

Sled or sledge driver

NameSloop-master Term description

Master of a sloop (ship)

NameSmith Term description

One who works usually metals and makes metal objects

NameSmyth Term description

One who works usually metals and makes metal objects

NameSmythe Term description

One who works usually metals and makes metal objects

NameSnadoun herald Term description

1. Official of the Lyon Court, Snowdoun Herald. 2. Royal messenger, later member of Lyon Court

NameSnapmaker Term description

Trap maker

NameSnaudon-herald Term description

Official of the Lyon Court, Snowdoun Herald

NameSoap boiler Term description

One who mixes and makes soap

NameSoapmaker Term description

One who mixes and makes soap

NameSoldier Term description

General term for member of Army

NameSolicitor Term description


NameSolicitor at law Term description


NameSouter Term description

A cobbler, shoemaker

NameSpinster Term description

Unmarried woman

NameSpirit dealer Term description

One who buys and sells alcohol

NameSpirit-dealer Term description

One who buys and sells alcohol

NameSpoue Term description

Husband or wife

NameSpounge-maker Term description

Sponge maker

NameSpouse Term description

Husband or wife

NameSquare wright Term description

Carpenter, furniture maker